
FAQ section

Welcome to our FAQ section. Here you will find the answers to the questions that users ask us most frequently. We hope they can help you make the most of our services.

Our housekeeping team is an integral part of customer support but also of all the owners who join our portfolio.
We have a diligent and trained team capable of managing an always efficient level of maintenance of our facilities to guarantee maximum accuracy for guests and owners not present on site.
We manage all the villas in our portfolio and organize all maintenance and cleaning interventions almost daily, to guarantee a consistently high level of efficiency and healthiness of the environments.

In the case of bookings under the date or in any case in the 60 days before arrival, payment of 100% of the sum is required at the time of booking.

THE STANDARD RATE RATE: involves the payment of 40% of the total amount at the time of booking; the final balance payment must be made within 30 days before the arrival date;
The NON-REFUNDABLE RATE: provides a 10% discount on the cost of the stay, with payment of 100% of the sum at the time of booking. In this case, the above-mentioned split payment conditions are not foreseen.

By choosing the Standard Rate you will pay 40% of the total amount when booking, while the final balance is expected within 30 days before arrival.
By choosing the Non Refundable Rate you will pay the full amount at the time of booking.

It depends on the number of cones! Each cone indicates a room. Therefore, there are structures with multiple very large cones, some with up to 10 rooms! Other single-cone structures that have a single room with a few alcoves.

Certainly. One week before arrival you will be contacted by our staff to organize your arrival and stay in touch. You can inform the staff of your arrival and departure times, any delays/changes to times/etc.

Each villa has its own rules: on the page of the structure concerned you will find all the necessary information.

Certainly. All our facilities have cots and high chairs for children.

Not all properties have a swimming pool, but don't worry: the presence of a swimming pool is specified in the description of each property.