
FAQ section

Welcome to our FAQ section. Here you will find the answers to the questions that users ask us most frequently. We hope they can help you make the most of our services.

In properties for exclusive use, the swimming pool and outdoor spaces are reserved exclusively for guests of the structure.

Midweek housekeeping is included for most of our rental properties; however, you can contact our customer service for more details

Absolutely yes, the photos of our facilities are 100% truthful.

Our housekeeping team is an integral part of customer support but also of all the owners who join our portfolio.
We have a diligent and trained team capable of managing an always efficient level of maintenance of our facilities to guarantee maximum accuracy for guests and owners not present on site.
We manage all the villas in our portfolio and organize all maintenance and cleaning interventions almost daily, to guarantee a consistently high level of efficiency and healthiness of the environments.

Many of our structures are trulli not particularly suitable for disabled people or those with limited mobility. We recommend that you contact our staff to verify that the structure is free of architectural barriers and that it allows the right mobility.

All our facilities are for EXCLUSIVE use. The strength of Apuliarentals is the exclusivity of the properties for rent

In the structure you will find courtesy sets of shampoo, shower gel, etc... (mini size format), essential products such as toilet paper, paper towels, water, spices, etc...

Yes, it is mandatory to register the data of all guests on the Accommodation Service portal.

There may probably be connection problems or slowdowns on our server; therefore, please wait or contact our customer service.